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Ready to feel empowered and reclaim your life? Come experience Healwithmim Therapy and get the help you need to unlock your potential. Trained in Marisa Peer's award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)®,  Miriam Davis pulls out all the stops to ensure clients achieve the best possible outcomes and works with clients to release negative and believing thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Healwithmim Therapy® starts here!

Discover your true potential and uncover the power of your subconscious mind with on/offline Healwithmim Therapy®! Founder, Miriam Davis is qualified Clinical Hypnotherapy, Children & Adolescent Grief & Loss Specialist, Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner trained in Marisa Peer's award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)®, so you can trust that you're in the best hands to reclaim your inner-strength and transform your life! 

Are you struggling with an issue that's holding you back from living your best life?

Do you feel isolated, disconnected, hopeless or stuck?


Do you often feel not good enough, unworthy or undeserving of happiness and success?


Are you aware that most of our negative beliefs are lies that we tell ourselves over and over?  These looping thoughts, which create beliefs, are imprints from our past (mostly during our childhood) and can be toxic, blocking our chances of success, happiness and abundance if we don't address them.

Do you have physical or emotional challenges that you can't seem to shake even after trying different treatments or therapies?

What if you could be free from hurt and pain and could identify and reframe the root cause of a presenting issue in 1-3 sessions?  If you're here you're ready to heal I can help you tap into your own inner-power to transform and live your best life.

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